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Stdad-Up Streaming April 17th - 13th April 2021

A bit of news The short version is: We've found a recording Ed Moore made of my 2015 show Stdad-Up Go Faster Stripe are streaming it this Saturday One Night Only! I'll introduce it and do a Q and A afterwards Slightly longer version: Stdad-Up...

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Tour Video! - 3rd February 2019

Twice a week, I get together with Mark Watson to sit on a bed and answer 20 questions - some related to comedy, some not This time we filmed...

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Look On My Works… FILM AVAILABLE - 21st September 2018

The wonderful GoFasterStripe have filmed my 2017 show, Look On My Works Ye Mighty And Despair (all in caps) and now it's available! You can download it here for £5 It comes with a few extras, and here's a trailer for...

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Website - 7th July 2018

The latest news is that I now have a website More to...

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I wish I could talk to dogs without having to engage with their owners…
